

Unsure where to start?

Our advice is to keep it simple.

  • First, think about what you can make with your own hands that others might enjoy.

  • Next, picture how you might sell it.

  • Finally, imagine the feeling (and responsibility) of having a little extra spending money as a result.

Learn more about the 3 Magic Seeds for starting a business.



Business Ideas for Kids

From making cat toys to designing websites, check out these 50 Small Business Ideas for Kids.


Guide to Writing a Business Plan

From bizKID$, this sheet helps young entrepreneurs think about marketing (from the name of their business to who they will sell to) and financials (including materials, pricing, and profit).



Games for Entrepreneurs

Coffee Shop

Name your coffee shop, buy supplies, make the perfect brew, and set the price. Can you please your customers and make a profit?
Play Now

Price Point

At what price should you sell your product to customers? What if you have competitors?
Play Now

Galactic Zappers

Can you assemble zappers more quickly and efficiently?
Play Now

Robo Rush

Do you have what it takes to upgrade your business from door-to-door to factory floor?
Play Now

Fistful of Dollars

Once you’ve mastered Galactic Zappers, play Fistful of Dollars to learn how to manage your cash and working capital.
Play Now

Lemonade StandOff

Can you find the right product and the right price to win in the lemonade market?
Play Now